Charles V

Imperio y autobiografía en El Vellocino de oro, de Lope de Vega

Chivalry (Medieval Studies) / Lope de Vega / Charles V / Mithology / Spanish Literature of the Golden Age / Spanish Golden Age Theater / Nine Worthies/Neuf Preux / Spanish Golden Age Theater / Nine Worthies/Neuf Preux

[2015] Minerva en el telar. Iconografía cruzada y tapicerías ricas, de Troya a Lepanto

Crusades / Habsburg Studies / Ottoman-Habsburg relations / Euripides / 15th Century Burgundy / Pliny the Elder / Charles V / Tapestry / François Ier / El Escorial / Emperor Maximilian / Lepanto / Giulio Romano / Mary of Hungary / John the Fearless / Scipio Africanus / Tunis / Margaret of Austria / Order of the Golden Fleece / Philipp the Good / Valois dukes of Burgundy / Philip II of Spain / Charles the Bold / Girolamo Da Treviso Il Giovane / Duke of Alba / Mary of Burgundy / Troy Studies / Hayreddin Barbarossa / Pliny the Elder / Charles V / Tapestry / François Ier / El Escorial / Emperor Maximilian / Lepanto / Giulio Romano / Mary of Hungary / John the Fearless / Scipio Africanus / Tunis / Margaret of Austria / Order of the Golden Fleece / Philipp the Good / Valois dukes of Burgundy / Philip II of Spain / Charles the Bold / Girolamo Da Treviso Il Giovane / Duke of Alba / Mary of Burgundy / Troy Studies / Hayreddin Barbarossa

[2015] Caída y auge de don Carlos. Memorias de un príncipe inconstante, antes y después de Gachard

Habsburg Studies / History of Collections / Charles V / French Historiography / Spanish Black Legend / Giusppe Verdi, Friedrich Schiller, DON CARLOS / Philip II of Spain / Don Carlos / Giusppe Verdi, Friedrich Schiller, DON CARLOS / Philip II of Spain / Don Carlos

El gobierno de los Países Bajos y la regencia de María de Hungría

Early Modern History / Habsburg Studies / History of the Spanish-Habsburg Netherlands / Charles V / Court Studies

Antonio Rincón, a history of disloyalty (Antonio Rincón, una historia de deslealtad)

Modern History / Ottoman History / Early Modern History / Mediterranean Studies / Ottoman Empire / Intelligence and Espionage / Ottoman-French Relations / Charles V / Spying and Intelligence / Intelligence and Espionage / Ottoman-French Relations / Charles V / Spying and Intelligence

La divisa de las granadas del rey Enrique IV de Castilla y su estela posterior

Heraldry / Medieval and Renaissance Studies / Charles V / Emblematic studies / Medieval and Early Modern Spain / Philip II of Spain / Enrique IV Rey De Castilla Y León / Devises (emblematic badges) / Catherine of Aragon / Emblemática / Italian Imprese / Reyes Catolicos Fernando E Isabel / Catalina de Aragón / Divisas / Pomegranate Symbol / Philip II of Spain / Enrique IV Rey De Castilla Y León / Devises (emblematic badges) / Catherine of Aragon / Emblemática / Italian Imprese / Reyes Catolicos Fernando E Isabel / Catalina de Aragón / Divisas / Pomegranate Symbol

\"Deuda, Crédito y Hacienda Real en tiempos de Carlos V\"

Fiscal History / Sovereign Debt / Spain / Charles V / Historia fiscal / Italian merchant-bankers centuries XII-XIII

PALACIOS MÉNDEZ, Laura María, El Arco de Sebastián Ramírez de Fuenleal, una obra de Étienne Jamet (1546-1550), Diputación de Cuenca, Cuenca, 2015.

Iconography / Renaissance History / Early Modern History / Renaissance Studies / Renaissance Humanism / Renaissance Philosophy / Renaissance Art / Spanish History / Early Modern Europe / History of Art / Christian Iconography / Iconology / Spanish Art / Charles V / Early modern Spain / Iconography and Iconology / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Medieval and modern spanish art / Art in the Portuguese and Spanish Empires / Emperor Charles V / Spanish Court Art / Renaissance Philosophy / Renaissance Art / Spanish History / Early Modern Europe / History of Art / Christian Iconography / Iconology / Spanish Art / Charles V / Early modern Spain / Iconography and Iconology / 16th and 17th-century Spanish art and architecture / Spanish Renaissance and Baroque Art / Medieval and modern spanish art / Art in the Portuguese and Spanish Empires / Emperor Charles V / Spanish Court Art

La coronación imperial de Bolonia y el final de la \"vía flamenca\" (1526-1530)

History / Early Modern History / Charles V / História Moderna / Historia / Monarquía Hispánica / Historia Moderna / Storia moderna / Historia Moderna De España / Emperor Charles V / Mercurino Arborio Di Gattinara / Monarquía Hispánica / Historia Moderna / Storia moderna / Historia Moderna De España / Emperor Charles V / Mercurino Arborio Di Gattinara

Hacia la formación de la Monarquía Hispana: la hegemonía hispana en Italia (1547-1556)

History / Early Modern History / Italian Studies / Early Modern Italy / Empire / Charles V / Early modern Spain / Historia / Imperio / Historia Moderna / Storia moderna / Historia Moderna De España / Imperio Español / Emperador Carlos V / Charles V / Early modern Spain / Historia / Imperio / Historia Moderna / Storia moderna / Historia Moderna De España / Imperio Español / Emperador Carlos V

En busca del equilibrio en la corte de Carlos V (1522-1529)

History / Latin American Studies / Spanish Studies / Early Modern History / Renaissance Studies / Spanish History / Renaissance Political Thought / Charles V / Monarquía Hispánica / Historia Moderna / Historia Moderna De España / Imperio Español / Monarquía de los Habsburgo en España / Mercurino Arborio Di Gattinara / Emperador Carlos V / Spanish History / Renaissance Political Thought / Charles V / Monarquía Hispánica / Historia Moderna / Historia Moderna De España / Imperio Español / Monarquía de los Habsburgo en España / Mercurino Arborio Di Gattinara / Emperador Carlos V

Magnificencia y poder en los festejos caballerescos de la primera mitad del siglo XVI

Habsburg Studies / Charles V / Renaissance Festivals / Court Festival / Philip II of Spain / Renaissance Jousting and Tournaments / Spanish Court Art / Renaissance Jousting and Tournaments / Spanish Court Art

Il nemico oltremarino come alterità integrata? Casi di ebrei e musulmani nei retabli di Sardegna (1492-1556), en Identidades cuestionadas. Coexistencia y conflictos interreligiosos en el Mediterráneo (ss. XIV-XVIII), Valencia: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2016, pp. 337-355.

Iconography / Habsburg Studies / Turkish and Middle East Studies / Franciscan Studies / Jewish - Christian Relations / Ottoman Empire / Marginalized Identities / Muslims in Europe / Ottoman-Habsburg relations / Italian Renaissance Art / Muslim-Christian Relation / Sardinia (Medieval Studies) / Representation of Others / Medieval Crown of Aragon / History of the Spanish-Habsburg Netherlands / Charles V / Orientalism / Women and gender in Muslim societies / Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages / Otherness / Retable Art / Ottoman Habsburg Rivalry / Moors / Expulsion Moriscos / Guerra De Granada (1482-1492) / Catholic Kings / 15th and 16th centuries Crown of Aragon painting / Ottoman Empire / Marginalized Identities / Muslims in Europe / Ottoman-Habsburg relations / Italian Renaissance Art / Muslim-Christian Relation / Sardinia (Medieval Studies) / Representation of Others / Medieval Crown of Aragon / History of the Spanish-Habsburg Netherlands / Charles V / Orientalism / Women and gender in Muslim societies / Jewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages / Otherness / Retable Art / Ottoman Habsburg Rivalry / Moors / Expulsion Moriscos / Guerra De Granada (1482-1492) / Catholic Kings / 15th and 16th centuries Crown of Aragon painting

Las dos águilas del emperador Carlos V. Las colecciones y el mecenazgo de Juana y Maria de Austria en la corte de Felipe II

Habsburg Studies / Patronage (History) / Collecting (Art) / Collecting and Collections / Spain (History) / Spain / Charles V / Early modern Spain / History of Collecting / Patronage and collecting / Early Modern Collecting / Collectors and Collecting / Madrid / Female Patronage / Political patronage / Convents / Patronage / Historia de Madrid / Female convents / Jacopo da Trezzo / Philip II of Spain / Descalzas Reales / Juana of Austria As Patron and Collector / The Court of Philip II / Juan de Herrera / Descalzas Reales Convent / Early modern convents / Pomepo Leone / Spain / Charles V / Early modern Spain / History of Collecting / Patronage and collecting / Early Modern Collecting / Collectors and Collecting / Madrid / Female Patronage / Political patronage / Convents / Patronage / Historia de Madrid / Female convents / Jacopo da Trezzo / Philip II of Spain / Descalzas Reales / Juana of Austria As Patron and Collector / The Court of Philip II / Juan de Herrera / Descalzas Reales Convent / Early modern convents / Pomepo Leone
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